Friday, January 9, 2009

People Who Deserve It - Funny New Blog

HAHA My friend Nick turned me on to this one.

Grass Valley/Nevada City people are EVERYWHERE!!!

Chris and I went to a bar Brooklyn yesterday evening and this is the short version of the conversation between us and the bartender.

Us: What's in a Hot Toddy?
Bartender: Blah blah mixed with some blah blah.
Us: Ok and what's in an Irish Coffee?
Bartender: blah blah mixed with blah and blah. It originated at such and such a bar in San Francisco.
Us: Oh we know that bar, it's in the such and such neighborhood right next to the blah blah store.
Bartender: Oh are you from San Francisco?
Us: Yeah we used to live there.
Bartender: Where are you originally from?
Us: Northern California, Tahoe area.
Bartender: Oh cool... I'm from Nevada City.
Us: Bullshit. We're from Grass Valley! Did you go to NU?
Bartender: Yeah, graduated in 2000.
Us: We graduated in 2002!
Bartender: You kind of look familiar... And you'd look familiar if you didn't have a beard.

Then we ran through a handful of people that we both know. I went to junior high with some of this girl's really good friends and Chris and her might have been on the same cross country team.

So crazy, Nevada County people are everywhere, we roam in packs, watch your back.